Learn CPR 101 Online Today and be prepared.

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Did you know, up to nine million people around the world experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest every year? And it is often fatal. What if this happens close to you? To your mum or dad, your child, your sister or a friend? It could happen anywhere – in your home, the park, on a bus, or at the mall.

Do you have the skills to save their LIFE?

Welcome to Don’t Die July, where we’re urging everyone, including you, to be prepared for these critical emergencies. Sign up to our life-saving CPR 101 Course. It’s just $30 and takes 30 minutes. You don’t need to be a doctor, a paramedic, or a nurse. Just be you! And our fast and easy-to-use online training course will teach you the CPR skills needed to help save a life. With the right training from our CPR 101 Course, you can be prepared and ready for when it matters most.



Don’t die july CPR 101

Don’t Die July CPR 101 is a practical online course that will teach you the CPR skills to help you save a life. The course aims to help make you ready and confident to perform CPR when a cardiac arrest emergency happens near you. 

$30 for 30 minutes to be able to save a life. Our CPR 101 is available online only and is suitable for all ages as a non-accredited certified course that will give you the foundational skills to be the difference in life or death.

You will cover the below lessons that if followed correctly will give you the skills and knowledge to be able to react in an emergency situation.

  • What is CPR?
  • Recognising Cardiac Arrest
  • The DRSABCD Plan
  • How to perform CPR
  • CPR for infants and children
  • Review questions
  • Emailed Certificate of Completion



Why Choose ‘Don’t Die July’ CPR Training?

Would you know what to do if a cardiac arrest happens to someone near you? With the right training in how to respond to an emergency situation, you can make a difference and save a life.

This online non-accredited course can be completed in 30 minutes. Knowing how to perform CPR is a requirement for many jobs and is a foundation of workplace health and safety. It is also a personal accomplishment that will give you the skills to help make a difference when it matters the most.

Expert Instructors
Our certified instructors have extensive experience in emergency response and first aid, ensuring high-quality training that meets industry standards.

Comprehensive Curriculum
Our CPR courses cover essential skills and techniques, including hands-on practice sessions to enhance confidence and preparedness.

Flexible Learning Options
With easy online sessions, our courses are designed to accommodate busy schedules and diverse learning preferences.

Affordable Pricing
Don’t Die July offers competitive pricing at just $30 per course, making life-saving CPR training accessible to all.

Please note
This is not an official accredited course.



This is your chance to become  part of the Don’t Die July movement and make a difference in your community.

Sign up to gain life-saving CPR skills and the confidence to act in emergencies.  You have the power to make a difference and be part of a network of trained responders who are ready to save lives.

Sign up now and take the first step towards becoming a life-saver.

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Are you ready to make a real impact on saving lives by joining the Don’t Die July movement?

Are you a family, group, business, or team up to five people? This is your chance to unite for a life-changing cause.

Whether it’s fostering teamwork, spreading goodwill or skilling yourself to lend a hand in emergencies, let’s seize this opportunity to make a difference together.



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Our mission is to train the people of the world to save themselves.​