Frequently asked questions

When told to stop by a medical officer, the casualty has started breathing, you cannot continue any longer, or when situation becomes too dangerous.

A person needs CPR if they are unconscious and not breathing normally.

This can and does happen, you just continue performing CPR.

If you are unable or unwilling to do the mouth to mouth it is fine not to do it, we carry on with compression only CPR.

The first thing the AED does is to analyse for a shockable rhythm, if the person is not in a shockable rhythm the unit will not charge up so you would be unable to deliver a shock.

Laying the person on their side, legs spread so that are in a stable position, both arms stretched out to the front.  Head facing forward, chin tilted up.  You can use a patient’s hand to help stabilise the chin. 

30 Compressions

By learning CPR, you can double or even triple a victim’s chance of survival.